JENBACHER is a brand of INNIO.
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HomeJenbacher in North America

Jenbacher in North America

Jenbacher began manufacturing reciprocating gas engines in 1957.

We specialize in gas-fueled technologies with a focus on high efficiency and reliability of the equipment. The company's main facility is located in Jenbach, Tyrol, Austria. The North American headquarters are located in Houston, Texas.

The USA and Canada are two of Jenbacher's most important markets.

The first engine was delivered in the early 1990s. To date, more than 1,000 engines with a combined capacity of more than 1.7 GW have been shipped to the United States and Canada. The engines operate in a wide range of industries using a variety of gaseous fuels. Jenbacher engines have been successfully installed in projects ranging from several hundred kilowatts to 51 MW.

Jenbacher's regional headquarters are located in Houston, Texas. At the same time, our engineers and those of our official distributors are located throughout the continent. Our experts are ready to assist customers in developing new power projects. Jenbacher's geographically distributed service network of engineers and warehouses is dedicated to providing outstanding support for Jenbacher equipment throughout its life cycle.

  • North American Fleet

    Biomont Landfill Plant (QC, Canada)

    4.8 MW. Landfill Plants.


    AMCO Produce (ON, Canada)

    850 kW. Greenhouse.


    Wolf Run, IMG Energy Solutions (PA, USA)

    21MW. IPPs, Utilities and Peaking Power.


    Owensboro Grain Company (KY, USA)

    9.9 MW. Agriculture industry.


    U.S. Marine Corps Air Station (SC, USA)

    1 MW. Defense industry.


    Sky Global Power One (TX, USA)

    51 MW. IPPs, Utilities and Peaking Power.


    Installed Jenbacher Gas Engines

    Projects & Case Studies

  • Sales & services locations

    Warehouse (BC, Canada)

    Services warehouses, to ensure continuous operations of your gas engine.

    Sales Team

    Send us a message and our experts will contact you.

    Warehouses (AB, Canada)

    Services warehouses, to ensure continuous operations of your gas engine.

    Warehouse (ON, Canada)

    Services warehouses, to ensure continuous operations of your gas engine.

    Sales Team

    Send us a message and our experts will contact you.

    Sales Team

    Send us a message and our experts will contact you.

    Services Representative

    Need services or spare parts? send us a message

    Warehouse (IN, USA)

    Services warehouses, to ensure continuous operations of your gas engine.

    Warehouse (PA, USA)

    Services warehouses, to ensure continuous operations of your gas engine.

    Services Representative

    Need services or spare parts? send us a message

    Sales Team

    Send us a message and our experts will contact you.

    Services Representative

    Need services or spare parts? send us a message

    Sales Team

    Send us a message and our experts will contact you.

    Sales Team

    Send us a message and our experts will contact you.

    Services Representative

    Need services or spare parts? send us a message

    Services Representative

    Need services or spare parts? send us a message

    Services Representative

    Need services or spare parts? send us a message

    Services Representative

    Need services or spare parts? send us a message

    Warehouse (CA, USA)

    Services warehouses, to ensure continuous operations of your gas engine.

    Services Representative

    Need services or spare parts? send us a message

    Services Representative

    Need services or spare parts? send us a message

    Services Representative

    Need services or spare parts? send us a message


    Houston, Texas. Jenbacher North America. Get in touch if you have any questions.

    Sales Team

    Services Representatives

    Warehouses (Parts, Overhauled units, Tools, etc.)

  • Partners & Territories

    Clarke Energy


    Northeast Energy Systems

    Sales and services provided by INNIO

    Western Energy Systems

Power Generation

We are experts in on-site power generation. We help customers assess how on-site power generation can be a benefit to their business. We advise on future plant configurations, help with economic modeling, and more.

Learn more

Turnkey CHP solutions

We understand that on-site power generation is complex. Such a solution must provide customers with a continuous and reliable supply of power. That is why we offer tailor-made turnkey power and cogeneration solutions, drawing on the expertise of the Jenbacher team and our partners' teams.

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Gaseous fuels flexibility

We make engines that run on natural gas and other gases, including biogas, sewage gas, landfill gas, syngas, associated petroleum gas, hydrogen and many others. Today, it is especially important to use highly efficient power generation solutions such as our gas engines. Jenbacher engines can also run on a gas-hydrogen mixture and on pure hydrogen, which is becoming increasingly important.

Learn more

Data Center Solutions For North America: The Power Behind The Cloud And Beyond The Grid

Learn more in our white paper how Jenbacher engine power plants can help solve the problem of providing reliable electricity for the data center industry until the grid is developed or is more reliable.


Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on power generation solutions

Learn more in our white paper on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which offers more than US $260 billion in funding for clean energy, mainly through tax credits. This white paper details how U.S. taxpayers can benefit from IRA funding with INNIO Group’s Jenbacher solutions.

Note: The content provided here is for informational purposes only and does not constitute tax or legal advice. Please consult tax professionals on tax-related matters. The information in this white paper may change as new Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance is released. INNIO assumes no warranty whatsoever for subsidies and tax rebates. All information is based on assumptions and varies according to individual circumstances.


Gas Engines Service

Jenbacher gas engines are designed to run for decades. We support our customers throughout the lifecycle of the engine, helping to keep it running and minimize downtime.

Learn more

Consult an expert

Send us a message and we’ll contact you to start the conversation.

Whether your business is looking for onsite power solutions, access to electricity, decreased energy costs, or even to sell electricity back to your local grid/consumers, Jenbacher regional experts can advise you on which solution makes the most sense for you.


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